14 Feb, 2017

Providers Shorten Sales Cycle With New Approach to Online Leads


The decision to move into senior living is one that takes time that senior living providers are often looking to shorten, especially as seasonal occupancy declines drag down operational efficiencies.
But with the help of new technology, operators are hoping to significantly cut back on the time it takes for a prospect to take the first step toward committing to a community.

They’re doing so by capturing qualified leads from existing Web traffic through personalized messages that guide them down the path to inquiry.

Often, qualified leads will return to a senior living provider’s website between six and eight times before submitting a contact form, according to Lead InSite, a data analytics company focused on the senior housing industry.

That’s the goal of Prompture, a new Lead InSite tool that identifies a community’s high-potential leads based on their past behaviors on the website.

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